10 Serif Fonts, ready for the download.
License: Open Source, GNU General Public License or Freeware, free for commercial or personal use and you’re free to share these.
Good download!
6 Styles: Regular, Italic, Bold, Bold Italic
License: GNU General Public License v2
Liberation Serif
4 Styles: Regular, Italic, Bold, Bold Italic
License: GNU General Public License v2
Dustismo Roman
4 Styles: Regular, Italic, Bold, Bold Italic
License: GNU General Public License
7 Styles
License: Freeware
4 Style: Regular, Italic, Sans, Sans Bold
License: Freeware
Droid Serif
5 Style: Regular, Bold, Italic, Bold italic, Condensed
License: Android Open Source
Linux Libertine
5 Style: Regular, Bold, Italic, Bold italic, Capitals
License: SIL Open Font, Version 1.0
Latin Modern Roman
12 Style: Regular, Bold e Italic, various versions.
License: GUST Font License
Ofl Sorts Mill Goudy TT
2 Style: Regular, Italic
License: SIL Open Font 1.1
Old Standard TT
3 Style: Regular, Bold, Italic
License: SIL Open Font 1.1